
Koch Industries获得2017 EnergyStar®能源管理奖的合作伙伴


威奇托,侃。- 在美国的300多个制造场所,Koch公司创造了日常必需品,帮助人们提高生活。目前,Koch Industries已获得2017年的美国的Energy Activity ObertionsStar®合作伙伴。该奖项承认通过能源效率来保护环境的贡献。


“在科赫,我们相信业务在社会中的作用是在利用较少的资源和尊重环境时提供产品和服务的产品价值,”副总裁David Dotson表示, - 运营与合规。“我们将有效的能源管理视为一个利益,为公司,我们的客户,我们经营的社区和环境的共产管理。”

2016年,Koch公司维持了高度的性能,将化学品和纸张业务的能源效率提高了两倍。Not only has Koch saved more than $270 million across all its businesses since 2011—including approximately $34 million in 2016 alone—it has also built an extensive energy manager network to convey best practices, provide training, inform about new technologies and enhance its businesses’ performance.

The ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award is the latest recognition of Koch’s commitment to being a responsible corporate steward, following more than 1,200 safety and environmental awards since 2009. In 2015 and 2016, Koch invested more than $600 million in energy efficiency projects across Koch businesses. The company is also encouraging other U.S. manufacturers to join EPA’s ENERGY STAR program to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs.

EPA奖提出,因为Koch公司努力实现更大的能源管理和效率实践。据环保署的毒品释放库存报告称,虽然其企业已经成长,但自2012年以来,在2012年以来,在2012年以来,在生产相关浪费减少了33%。2015年在科赫设施中产生的废物和向EPA报告,92%被回收,恢复能源或治疗 - 总计6.65亿英镑。同年,Koch被EPA命名为污染预防举措的最高评价公司。koch在过去三年中在这一类中获得了第一或第二次排名。


福布斯。它拥有一个不同于炼油,化学品和生物燃料的公司;森林和消费品;肥料;聚合物和纤维;工艺和污染控制设备和技术;电子产品;信息系统;商品交易;矿物质; energy; glass; ranching; and investments. Since 2003, Koch companies have invested more than $80 billion in acquisitions and other capital expenditures. With a presence in about 60 countries, Koch companies employ more than 120,000 people worldwide, with about 70,000 of those in the United States. From January 2009 to present, Koch companies have earned more than 1,200 awards for safety, environmental excellence, community stewardship, innovation, and customer service. For more news and stories, visit www.kochnews.com.