

Charles Koch,Koch Industries,Inc。主席兼首席执行官

由Charles Koch,董事长兼首席执行官,Koch Industries,Inc。


在与我们的指导原则保持符合我们的指导原则中,我们在这个Covid-19流行病中促进了您的健康和安全。 That is why we are taking additional precautions in all our workplaces to create a safe and secure environment. As you know, we are following the CDC guidelines, practicing social distancing, installing additional sanitizing stations, and working to ensure our facilities are carefully cleaned. Our IT teams have leveraged cloud-based technologies to enable streamlined, secure remote work capabilities. We have also coordinated with insurance providers to extend benefits and alleviate any costs associated with COVID-19 testing.

你可以为这个事实感到自豪雷竞技电竞外围正在不知疲倦地制造生产急需的浴室,纸巾和洗手液。Phillips-Medisize确保其制药和医疗设备的供应链仍然不间断。Molex.为救生呼吸机提供零件。雷竞技比分Flint Hills资源正在提供用于制造Covid测试套件的树脂。John Zink Hamworthy燃烧正在使用其3D打印机来帮助为前线护理提供商制作面部屏蔽。超过85%的Covid-19在美国考试均针对实验室使用Infor的医疗保健IT平台。我们的几个网站捐赠了从重要的保护齿轮到手动消毒剂的成分的产品。而且,团结社区正在与家族独立倡议一起推出#givetogethernow.一项在线努力,帮助这些家庭被冠状病毒危机强烈打击最严重的现金援助。


例如,在Invista,增强现实技术将智能手机部署为计算设备。这已成为每周约200次的重要工具。与Mira Labs合作,七个地点的Invista员工正在使用这款免提,可穿戴技术与远程主题专家交互式沟通。通过实现实时学习和解决问题,消除了对旅行的需求(今天困难,并且始终昂贵且耗时)。

You are also doing a great job of using the many other technology-driven tools we have added since 2010. It’s exciting to see employees using virtual technology to enable contractors to help complete important site work, even when quarantined miles away, and customers who are providing us with real-time inventory data that helps us serve them more efficiently. Many of our plant employees are now able to safely and efficiently control processes while working remotely — something employees a decade ago could only dream about.


您应该赞美您的贡献和创新 - 今天和每一天 - 但特别是现在。我希望你知道在这些困难时期在你在完成的过程中是多么自豪。
