
Koch Industries继续其技术改造


Koch Industries Inc.是一家在技术改造的公司 - 它的首席执行官已被描述为其非常生存的核心。It was one year ago that, as previously detailed in the company’s newsletter, the company’s chairman and CEO Charles Koch told a group of leaders from within the organization that embracing technology-based transformation throughout every level of the business wasn’t just something they should do — it was something they had to do.

2017年年底前,公司还宣布成立科赫颠覆技术公司(Koch Disruptive Technologies),该公司由蔡斯·科赫(Chase Koch)领导,专注于帮助公司保持技术领先地位。蔡斯·科赫强调了该公司各公司之间的技术整合已经变得多么先进。